Client User Manual - Business Buyer

what to look for in a transaction professional + how we support business buyers


Information relevant to business owners and leaders who care about business value.

What to look for in a transaction professional

Investment banker, M&A intermediary, business broker… whatever the label, the role of a transaction professional is to help clients find appropriate counterparties, evaluate transaction suitability, negotiate terms, and navigate through to successful deal closure.

Attributes to look for in a transaction professional include:

  • An appropriately structured relationship such that your transaction professional’s fee structure and incentives align with your goals
  • Relevant experience on both the buy-side and sell-side of purchase-sale transactions, which will help provide well-rounded perspectives and effective communication with all parties.
  • A systematic approach to the transaction process
  • The ability to leverage relationships with lawyers, bankers and other stakeholders to smooth the process
  • Emotional intelligence and conflict resolution skills to help all parties effectively navigate the emotional ups and downs of the transaction process
  • Strong project management and communication skills to help maintain momentum
  • And, of course, an understanding of the subject business and its operating environment
  • As well as high ethical standards and professional integrity

 Business sellers are advised to look for professionals with the ability to provide business valuation and pricing assistance as well as the ability to prepare for the due diligence process. 

Business buyers are advised to look for professionals with the solid analytical skills and operational experience needed to conduct thorough due diligence, including evaluation and stress testing of financial and other data.

How we support business buyers

Our Role and Responsibilities

We support business buyers who have already identified a potential acquisition target. We assist with due diligence, viability assessment and the transaction closing process. While we provide expert advice and a critical perspective, the ultimate responsibility for commercial decisions rests with the client.

Due Diligence

To begin the due diligence process, we provide the seller and their representatives with a comprehensive checklist focussing on areas including details of assets being sold, financial statements, operational details, employee and HR data, potential and existing liabilities and more. We approach due diligence with a healthy dose of scepticism, questioning whether key information might not have been requested and whether the information provided is accurate, complete, and truthful.

Viability Assessment

The viability assessment focuses on whether the transaction should proceed, and if so under what terms and conditions. We collaborate with the buyer, industry experts and other stakeholders to evaluate the target business's financial and operational health, risk factors, strategic fit and more. We also help explore financing and deal structure options.

Closing the Transaction

We provide support with negotiations and protect our client’s interests by identifying appropriate contingencies. We also coordinate with financing sources, lawyers, accountants and other parties to help ensure a successful closing and smooth ownership transition.